Prayer Nights
Prayer Nights are hosted 1-3 nights each semester on a Wednesday from 7:15-8:45 PM. A time for YDisciple small groups and
Life Teen to all come together to pray and see our larger community. Each night will focus and feature a different prayer practice. The youth will be able to experience a new form of prayer or rekindle a love for the favorite form of prayer. These nights will help foster a practice of prayer and help the youth to form & deepen their relationship with our Lord.
Parents are welcomed and invited to come to these prayer nights.
Next Prayer Night: Wednesday, January 22
A large group gathering of YDisciple small groups and Life Teen youth, at St. Thomas Aquinas from 7:15-8:45 PM. Pat Stahr will give a talk about Real Presence in Eucharistic Adoration, and then we will have an opportunity to spend time in Eucharistic Adoration with Praise & Worship music from 7:30-8:30 PM, exposition & benediction provided by Deacon Frank Montabon and music by ISU college students. All high school students are encouraged to attend and parents are welcome to attend too.
Prayer Nights for 2019-2020:
October 9: Lectio Divina
Dec. 18: Christmas Social
Jan. 22: XLT- Adoration and Praise & Worship
April 1: Living Stations of the Cross
May 6: Living Rosary & Mary Crowning
Prayer Nights are hosted 1-3 nights each semester on a Wednesday from 7:15-8:45 PM. A time for YDisciple small groups and
Life Teen to all come together to pray and see our larger community. Each night will focus and feature a different prayer practice. The youth will be able to experience a new form of prayer or rekindle a love for the favorite form of prayer. These nights will help foster a practice of prayer and help the youth to form & deepen their relationship with our Lord.
Parents are welcomed and invited to come to these prayer nights.
Next Prayer Night: Wednesday, January 22
A large group gathering of YDisciple small groups and Life Teen youth, at St. Thomas Aquinas from 7:15-8:45 PM. Pat Stahr will give a talk about Real Presence in Eucharistic Adoration, and then we will have an opportunity to spend time in Eucharistic Adoration with Praise & Worship music from 7:30-8:30 PM, exposition & benediction provided by Deacon Frank Montabon and music by ISU college students. All high school students are encouraged to attend and parents are welcome to attend too.
Prayer Nights for 2019-2020:
October 9: Lectio Divina
Dec. 18: Christmas Social
Jan. 22: XLT- Adoration and Praise & Worship
April 1: Living Stations of the Cross
May 6: Living Rosary & Mary Crowning